The Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science (APANAC) held its XIX National Congress of Science and Technology, titled "Panama, Hub of Sciences", held from September 26 to 29, 2023. During this important event, various topics of investigation were addressed; and one of the highlights was the work of #TeamCOPEG, represented by Dr. Aidamalia Vargas, Research Scientist at ARS unit. Dr. Vargas' presentation focused on the development of "Real-Time Quantification of tTA Gene in the Transgenic Strains DR6 and DR7 of Screwworm Fly (SWF) (Cochliomyia Hominivorax)."

The main objective of the congress was to promote the exchange of experiences at national and international level, as well as to establish alliances and cooperation networks in research, development and innovation. In addition, technological knowledge used worldwide to address various crises was shared.

This initiative will promote the development of research projects that contribute to increasing productivity at national level, positioning Panama as a Regional Innovation Center in areas such as health, agriculture and digital technology. In this way, the country consolidates itself as an avant-garde leader in the Latin American Region.

Once again, COPEG, as the world's leading laboratory in the study of NWS, has remained at the forefront of technology. Thanks to projects like this, we can improve our efficiency and quality in production, being the only plant in the world with these characteristics. This benefits the agricultural sector in Panama and the entire region.

We are proud to contribute to the advancement of science and technology in Panama, demonstrating the commitment and scientific excellence that characterizes our international organization.